Apps In Development - You Can Help!
We have several apps in development and more to come. The apps are designed to assist you in staying on your True Path and make it fun at the same time.
Apps in Development
- Daily Way App: Integrate The Daily Way into all our devices and make it easy to make/change them.
- The Great Virtue List: List of all that we humans see as good qualities. Will include our failings and how to overcome them.
- The Great Food List: Listing of all our food with all information as in vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, growing instructions, cooking instructions and more!
Help Us Make These Apps and More!
1. Support Us: If you are interested in supporting these projects please visit Help Us and Unite for ways you can help.
2. Build It: If you would like to actually help create the app and/or help gather the information please fill out this form and let us know how you can help.