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The Way to Peacefully Force Positive Change

How to Peacefully Force Positive Change

Short Link to get here:  7Way.Me/PFPC

This is a 3 Part Video Series

Video 1: Why Violence Will Never Lead to Lasting Peace.
Video 2: How to Peacefully Force Positive Change Phase 1 Clarify
Video 3: How to Peacefully Force Positive Change Phase 2 Action & Phase 3: Codify.


Video 1: https://youtu.be/ilrsicBHK18
Video 2: https://youtu.be/M9QEzvS5n6Q
Video 3: https://youtu.be/YXp9basjnnM


Video 1: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=296371031780030
Video 2: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=288770175682502
Video 3: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=613512972904010

All 3 Videos & Full Transcripts on our Website:

The transcript for each video is posted below.


Transcript from Video 1

This is Video 2 of 3 and covers why violence will never lead to lasting peace.

Welcome and Peace,Thank you for watching.

My name is Andrew and within this video we show the Way to Peacefully Force Positive Change within any organization or society. This is Video 1 of 3 and covers why violence will never lead to lasting peace. The reason why you will benefit from watching this video is that you will know the first step on how you can unite with others to create meaningful positive change within people's lives and our society in order to create a world of lasting peace and happiness that everyone can enjoy. For those who are following along within The Way this is part of Step 6 Unite. The strategy is to first understand why violence will never lead to lasting peace and then the 3 Phases of Clarify, Action and Codify.

Before we get started a warning. As stated in the other videos - To attain our goal we all need to be sure to follow all the phases and “Nonviolent Tactics” outlined within these videos correctly and to be as open and inclusive as possible. Care is needed when applying this strategy because the use of this method is truly powerful, yet if not handled correctly, it can cause division, mass destruction, and chaos.

Sometimes our societal systems don’t change fast enough and need an extra push. When we force change, our overall goal is to create peaceful, stable, enduring, and healthy societal systems that encourage and aid us all. The right balance of sympathy and empathy is needed to solve significant societal issues.

For Example: If those running a government have an underdeveloped sense of empathy and sympathy, it leads to the creation of inhumane treatment and unfair laws. On the other extreme, programs that promote sloth, laziness, waste, dependence, and self-entitlement also force people into negative positions in society, which lowers self-esteem and perpetuates many other problems.
Because we need the right balance … on a large scale… to get the change we are after, we all need to take the CORRECT steps if we want the most favorable outcome.

The very first step is to understand why violence is not the solution that will lead us to lasting peace. The fact is ignorance begets ignorance, hate begets hate; atrocity begets atrocity. Tragedy cannot be undone by another tragedy. There is no end to this cycle of hatred and violence if you work to avenge every wrong that has ever happened, and others do the same. The fact is good people always lose when we use violence, even when we “win” the battle or war. This is because this negative focus changes us in negative ways and creates many other problems. The reason violence has not achieved lasting global peace over all these thousands of years and never will is because when we use violence, we hurt ourselves, others, and our society.

For example when we use violence, belittle and yell at children, especially when things get difficult, we teach them to use violence, belittle and yell to solve problems. The same is true for society. If we and our government treat each other with violence, mocking, and yelling we teach everyone to do the same. Violence twists our lives and leads us away from our True Path and True Society.

The killing, destruction, derogatory language, pain, suffering, loneliness, trauma, and all the rest leads to confusion, loss, desperation, hate, anger, rage, frustration, revenge, and other negatives on both sides. This collective negative focus allows those in power to divide us further into “us vs. them.” Being ununified, negative, hateful, mean, unjust, and using violence makes us easy to manipulate and lasting peace impossible to achieve.
Violence AS a tool of power IS most powerful when never used, or if used, it's only as a last resort and only to the level needed to achieve the goal. Also, to live the virtues found in Law 4 and 5 of The Way which cover equality and treating others as we want to be treated, we must strive for and take the nonviolent path and only use violence as a last resort.

For clarity, following The Way and the path of nonviolence does not mean that we are pacifists who will never fight or go to war. It just means we see it as a last resort and a failure of our higher values and goals. For example, there may be situations when we must fight to protect and defend ourselves, our loved ones, and help those who cannot help themselves. We may even need to rise up in great numbers to take down tyrants, hate groups, bad companies, and other twisted, unthinking people and organizations who have fallen to the dark side. The bully beat down technique can also help those who can't see why treating others as you want to be treated in all situations is so basic to life.

Our goal as we move toward and create our “True Society” is to fix and improve, to upgrade and refine, and change our systems, minds, and hearts peaceably. The goal is NOT to shut it all down, cause chaos, seek revenge, hurt people, or to blame and point fingers so you can feel superior and self-righteous. Working for peace means as we work to implement the plan, we need to prevent those looking to commit violence, call out and stop those people advocating violence, and even turn in those who are committing violence in the name of our cause, group, organization, business, or religion. “We the People” are all a part of this great mission to create our “True Society,” including “those” who are not currently working with us. Consequently, we work to facilitate change in a way that we would appreciate if we were on the “other side” and did not understand. We can only really win by making our enemies into our friends.

We do this because we are treating others as equals and as we would wish to be treated. They may still join us if we make sense and treat them fairly. It might be that “we” and/or “they” are just being human and in error, or are missing something, or don’t understand or are even just clueless. We must be open to the idea it may be our side that is missing something that, once understood, could change everything.
The human race wastes vast amounts of wealth, time, and energy in the production of our destruction and war. We need to spend more on the creation of our salvation and peace. Often the production and abundance of weapons lead to their use. Ending this waste and the use of violence is very important and achievable.

To truly heal the first step is to realize as a species, that there is no “us versus them,” there is only “we the people” of this earth all working to survive and thrive. Therefore, it’s only through unity and cooperation that we can create a better global society and world. All good people would like everyone to have a wonderful life, for our systems to all work well and for our environment to be healthy and thriving.

The goal is to understand all sides so we can be one and get this done. It should be obvious that it’s more difficult to achieve understanding, peace, and unity when one side is desperate, devastated, hurt and angry because of the violence being done to them and/or their loved ones. Put yourself in their place. How would you feel and what would you think if someone called you horrible names, then hurt you, those you love, and destroyed the things you cared about? How would you feel about them, and how open would you be to listening to and liking them?

Consequently, if we are really after peace and positive change, we must work to do so without the use of violence. To do anything else will only perpetuate a never-ending cycle of hate, rage, revenge, violence, and war. This is because violence begets violence and hate begets hate. Revenging every atrocity with another leads to horror for everyone. “True Peace” is won and maintained through love, equality, reciprocity, embracing virtue, understanding, and universal goals.

The fact is, we the people, united in common cause can create lasting global peace. The only question is will be help us or be part of the problem.
Ok that’s the end of this segment. This was video 1 of 3 in this series, be sure to watch the others so you know exactly how to peacefully force positive change in our society.

Transcript from Video 2

This Transcript Covers the First Phase Clarify

Welcome and Peace, Thank you for watching.
My name is Andrew and within this video we show the Way to Peacefully Force Positive Change within any organization or society. This is Video 2 of 3 and covers the first phase Clarify. The reason why you will benefit from watching this video is that you will know the first step on how you can unite with others to create meaningful positive change within people's lives and our society in order to create a world of lasting peace and happiness that everyone can enjoy. For those who are following along within The Way this is part of Step 6 Unite. The strategy is to first understand why violence will never lead to lasting peace and then the 3 Phases of Clarify, Action and Codify.

Before we get started a warning. As stated in the other videos - To attain our goal we all need to be sure to follow all the phases and “Nonviolent Tactics” outlined within these videos correctly and to be as open and inclusive as possible. Care is needed when applying this strategy because the use of this method is truly powerful, yet if not handled correctly, it can cause division, mass destruction, and chaos. This phase of clarification has 4 steps, which include doing the research, creating clear demands, building a tribe, and submitting your demands.

Ok now lets go through each one of these.

The first step is to do the Research. The key here is to Research the issue entirely, and be sure to consider all sides. For example, for all parties involved, what's at the crux of the issue, and what virtues are involved? Knowing all sides will allow you to end up with clear, complete, and truthful documentation that will help make your case and articulate your demands. As they say, “know thy enemy” for it will allow you to refute and have knowledge of everything in advance. Preparation is often the key to success.

The second step is where we outline Clear Demands. Now that you know all that is at issue in this step, you outline clear, rational, and reasonable demands. If your demands are not simple, be sure to include steps and timelines where possible. Think of the issue from the other sides’ perspective and all involved. What if you were on their side? What would you want to be considered? How would you want to be spoken to? If what you want is a big deal and complex or might hurt them in any way, then consider what it would take to implement this from the other side.

Think about all the players. Do you include enough people or is what you are asking for broad enough to make a lasting positive difference? Take as much as you can into account before moving on. It makes everything more manageable later.

Its important to work with a diversity of people to see if the demands you have codified are transparent, doable, fair, and will achieve the desired result. As you go through this process, you must look for ways to refine everything. It’s important not to play games or ask for things that are not possible, reasonable, or fair. We also don’t want to stop systems that need fixing.

For example, we don’t want to demand that they close a needed but failing water treatment plant, school or police department where there is no other. Instead, we demand they fix the problems, even if it means replacing people, retraining and renovating. The exception here is if an organization is doing something inhumane. In these cases, we can demand immediate termination and temporary replacement for those types of heinous acts. For example, a restart team can be sent into a water treatment plant to get everything operating as well as possible while they work to transition the broken system into the desired form and they are able train people. So far under the first Phase of Clarify we have done our research and outlined clear demands, now in the third step we Building our Tribe. The tribe is the group that will help you push your demands and achieve your goal.

Here we can join a larger similar cause that will include your demands or create an organization with a clear message built on what you have just learned and codified. Here you need to place people of merit in leadership positions and add as many people as possible to the group. The exact number required to affect the desired reaction is dependent on the situation.

The key is to keep building through the process until enough have joined where the change happens. Adding in those at the “Centers of Power” with access to the “Tools of Power” (which is covered within The Way) will significantly accelerate everything we are trying to do. Messaging and marketing are critical. Remember, all is relative, we don’t know what we don’t know, and people know people, which means that you don’t always need a superstar to get the message out. A local celeb and a small group with some money can help a local cause as well as know people who can help with larger ones. They may also know even more people who can help.

One of the best ways to speed up the process is to get all organizations and groups already working on the same or a similar issue to join forces. The reason cooperation works so well is it saves costs, is more productive, and all groups have lists of people that would most likely be willing to help.

Ok. lets take about another key aspect of tribe building. All causes need social proof. Social proof shows that there are a lot of people on your side. An effective way to do this is by collecting signatures on petitions and by conducting polls that show the size of your following or interest in the issue(s).

Gathering social proof is relatively easy with the use of websites that help facilitate sending petitions and polls to interested people. The reason this works so well is that leaders know that for every person who voices a complaint and who signs a petition, there are many, many more that feel the same way: the higher the number, the more significant. All petitions and polls should be written so that they are as short and clear as possible. Here we stick to the point and focus on specifics.

Ok, now that you understand the issue, have clear demands, and a tribe to back you up, the 4th and final step of this first phase of Clarify is to Submit your list of demands, petitions, and documentation to the other party. The submission should be the shortest and clearest form possible.
The only goal here is to give them the basics and to get them to negotiate with you. You don’t want to hurt them; you want them to listen, learn, and change. You don’t want a fight; you want to turn a negative into a positive. To create positive change, we peaceably unite, make our objections known with logic, reason, and love. If they are doing the same, we will find a solution easier.

For example, we may respectfully deliver a 1-page list of demands, a booklet of supporting documentation along with 100,000 signatures on a petition. After that, you wait to see if they will work with you within the reasonable timeline you provided.

If appropriate, you can also make these demands public. Public notice means creating materials and distributing them, so they appear in books, newspapers, journals, on radio, television, and more.

After submission, you must be willing and ready to further explain your position and respectfully negotiate. Participation means being willing to listen, seeking to understand the other side, because we need to be sure we did not miss anything that might affect our demands or reasoning. Everyone must be open and willing to adjust based on new information.

Ok, that’s it for the first phase clarify. To go over it quickly. We do our research so we know the topic inside and out. You create clear demands, form a tribe, collect social proof, and then submit your demands in a respectful way and even making them public is appropriate.

And just a reminder This was video 2 of 3 in this series, be sure to watch the others so you know exactly how to peacefully force positive change in our society.

Transcript from Video 3

This transcript covers Phase 2 Action and Phase 3 Codify.

Welcome and Peace, Thank you for watching. My name is Andrew and within this video we show the Way to Peacefully Force Positive Change within any organization or society. This is Video 3 of 3 and covers Phase 2 Action - and Phase 3 Codify.

The reason why you will benefit from watching this video is that you will know the first step on how you can unite with others to create meaningful positive change within people's lives and our society in order to create a world of lasting peace and happiness that everyone can enjoy. For those who are following along within The Way this is part of Step 6 Unite. Again the strategy is to first understand why violence will never lead to lasting peace and then the 3 Phases of Clarify, Action and Codify.

Before we get started a warning. As stated in the other videos - To attain our goal we all need to be sure to follow all the phases and “Nonviolent Tactics” outlined within these videos correctly and to be as open and inclusive as possible. Care is needed when applying this strategy because the use of this method is truly powerful, yet if not handled correctly, it can cause division, mass destruction, and chaos.

Ok now lets get into Phase 2: Action. What you do next is dependent upon HOW the other party reacts to your demands that were delivered in the last step. Are they willing to negotiate with you? Yes or No? A willingness to negotiate in good faith means all parties are open and willing to discuss the demands, understand them, and work toward a solution based on consensus or, if that is not possible, at the very least, a fair compromise. Each party must go into these meetings looking to work for real, positive, meaningful, and doable solutions.

Remember, people can only find real solutions if everyone is sharing the same fact base, looking for the root causes, the virtues at the heart of the issues, and be willing to be reasonable, work hard, and even change. If you negotiate and reach an agreement at this point skip to “Phase 3” where you ensure everything is codified and legal. After that, the movement can disband, or the leaders can direct the members to a similar or new cause.

However, if the negotiation yields a multi-stepped solution and/or one that is implemented over an extended period, the cause does not end, it just goes into a type of hibernation. Here all parties agree and set up an extended watch and verification system in which the leaders of the Cause are in control. The verification system serves as “checks and balances,” which allows the leaders of the Cause to inform the tribe of progress and problems.

Now if they instead say NO, or Are Not Willing to Negotiate you. Its now time to peacefully force positive change. To be clear here you have submitted the demands respectfully and the other party is NOT willing to negotiate or is not being Reasonable or is not negotiating in good faith,
The easiest way to force negotiation within any organization is to have those on the outside (consumers/citizens) and inside (workers/elected officials) working together. If that is not possible, the goal can still be achieved by one side or the other separately. In either case, the more people that participate, the easier and faster change will happen.

Ok lets talk about our power as Citizens & Consumers a little bit. To be clear Citizens are legally recognized subjects of a state or commonwealth and are subject to its jurisdiction. Consumers are all people who use that organization (services/products) or may use it.
As citizens and consumers, we have great power. As citizens through our actions with our government. As consumers, this power is wielded by consuming or by stopping the consumption of their product or service. If we don’t buy, they don’t make money. Over time without enough money, most business and other organizations will cease to exist.

Our Cause becomes more influential when we encourage others to do as we are because “Word of Mouth” is often the most powerful tool we can wield as consumers. Our growth and influence are magnified when influencers, those at the “Centers of Power” and those using the “Tools of Power,” join our cause. This is because our true power is shown when people’s positive or negative opinions are spread around (word of mouth) and are shared by “the masses.” It’s this power of unity that creates a fad, brings companies to the top, and destroys brands.
If there are enough of us in the beginning, we only use this power of non-use for short periods to show how many people are with us so that we do not hurt the company. The first time is more of a “shot over the bow” to provide a warning than something that is to cause harm. Again, our goal is to get them to negotiate, and this might be enough to get them to the table.

In some cases, a boycott like this might create a personal inconvenience if, for example, we are trying to pressure positive change from our cell phone company. In these cases, in the beginning, the key is to find ways to show dissatisfaction without creating too much hardship in everyone’s life. If you can find ways that are relatively convenient for people, especially in the beginning, the more success you will have.
Here we look for alternatives like having everyone sign a petition, text, or call a specific number at the company with the complaint, indicating they will cut off use if the company does not negotiate and come up with a solution. The key is to show our displeasure in high numbers relative to the situation to get them to take you seriously and negotiate. If they do not, as consumers, our ultimate power comes from abandoning the company altogether. The abandonment of dinosaurs unwilling to change allows us to support organizations that are willing to negotiate and work to do things correctly.

Ok now lets go into our power as Workers a little bit. Workers are those who have jobs and do the “work” within the organization that is of issue. Note that government and critical system worker strategies are covered separately. Frequently, the workers within an organization will agree with the consumer complaints and will have complaints of their own. Worker complaints often cover issues the consumers can’t see that are tied to a poor working environment, corruption, wrongful, and illegal acts.

As “Workers,” we have great power in creating positive change as we know and can do things no one else can. One way is to join a reasonable and fair workers union that covers all people in an industry. Unionizing is an excellent way to find and coordinate with a group of like-minded and highly invested people. If there is no union, you can start one or ask another similar union for help. The key is to make sure the Union is after mutually beneficial solutions and not out to take as much as possible without regard to the overall goal.

Workers can also coordinate with other workers and do a bad job, work slowly, cause bottlenecks, delays, or even make mistakes. The key is not to do such a lousy job that you get fired. If asked why you are not doing your usual, you can say that you feel bad or distracted by what is going on. If it’s taking too long, you might even look for a job at a better company, thereby depriving them of your talent. If they start losing enough good people, this will also help create more pressure.

If workers are backed up by consumers, the idea is for the workers to do enough to keep their jobs as they support a cause wherever possible. Think about it like this, if all workers show up to work, and there are no customers, it will increase the pressure on the organization to negotiate as they still need to pay the workers or start downsizing drastically. It’s essential that those protesting do not show these workers any disrespect or impede the workers in any way. Ideally, we want everyone collecting their checks and caring for their lives throughout this process.

Ok, now lets talk about a special case - of Government Basic Societal Systems Workers. First know that if we need to change a government system, our ability to change it will depend a lot on the form of government. If you have a “Government of the People,” then change will be easier. If one of tyranny or top-down control, positive change will be more difficult and may even involve a personal risk. In this case, the form of government may even need to change before other positive reforms can be implemented, especially over the long haul.

If we work for a “Government of the People” or critical societal systems like water, food, energy and the rest, it’s important when we seek positive change to still go to work and do an excellent job. You do not cause problems, bottlenecks, make intentional mistakes, and all the rest. On the other hand if you are being asked to do things that are inhuman and clearly wrong then don’t be one of those "I was just following orders" type people…so stand-up and do right - this is your test….you need blow the whistle. At that same time we also need to continue to do an excellent job to ensure we do not mess up the really important stuff, as we need our government and critical systems to run as well as possible, no matter what is happening. In these cases, it’s best to help create positive change in the other ways covered so as not harm our critical systems. For example, if these systems allow us to get our food and water, it’s best to work for positive change in other ways instead of stopping them from working. The same is true for any government, there is no acceptable reason for leaders to shut it all down over a political issue.

Ok now lets put this together and talk about what we can all do. As people, we can all join a march and protest where we hold signs, chant slogans, setup blockades, sit-ins, and publicly shame officials who are on the wrong side. Along with that we can sign petitions, donate money, and take polls. We can wear things like a designated color, pin, bracelet, shirt, scarf, or armband. We can also stop buying services and products from bad organizations and support the good. As workers, we can go on strike, walkout, stop work, slow work, sickout, testify, blow the whistle, and even leak evidence of corruption and illegal acts. We can also give a list of worker complaints to the leadership of the movement so they are included with all the rest of the issues. Competitors of the organization under fire, who are doing things correctly, can help the protesters take down the bad players. If working to change a public company, all shareholders can join the effort and vote to fix the company or sell off all the stock to destroy it.

The goal of using these tactics is to stop the company, organization, or its leaders from going on with business as usual. We are forcing people within these organizations as well as the public to consider the cause we are bringing to light. Here we are intentionally drawing attention and making things inconvenient. This strategy is useful when there is little to no media attention or support but would be if only people knew. If both customers and workers are fighting together then good coordination between the groups will amplify the effort greatly.

Ok, now that we covered the basics of the “Nonviolent Tactics,” let’s go through how to use these abilities to apply more and more pressure and force positive change. As stated, the key is to flex our power for short periods, especially in the beginning, because in most cases, we don’t want to destroy the organization outright, we want it to evolve in a positive direction more quickly. So, as we go through the process, we must be ready to lower the pressure and turn it off when we achieve the goal. In other words, don’t start something you can’t stop or do things that will not allow for fair and timely negotiations and change to take place. Simply stated basic strategy, is to apply more and more pressure by increasing the level of intensity and duration of the “Nonviolent Tactics” that I have outlined.

Intensity covers the level of power and passion we apply. Power and passion come in the form of how many tactics we use simultaneously and how much emotion we show. For example, we can create a large peaceful, yet highly charged and emotional public disturbances as we coordinate many other actions to happen in separate locations at the same time. These additional actions can include things like stopping the use of the service/product, a strike, sit-in, sickout, blockade, protests, media blitz, and more.

Intensity can build and build. For example, we can blockade that company starting on one street, then an area of town, then a city to even a country and beyond. We can begin a protest at the headquarters, then move to some stores than to all stores for a total shut down of business.
Duration indicates how long we do or don’t do things. Duration means using the “Nonviolent Tactics” for longer and longer periods. It can also mean we do it more and more frequently. For example, we can start by doing this, say every week, then two times a week, to every day. The length of time we spend can go from a few hours, days, weeks to months, years, and even forever. For example, we can all stop buying gas from a company for a few hours, a day, a week, a few months, or switch to another company permanently.

Now lets go through Why This Works. When there is enough of us combining the level of intensity over longer and longer periods, this will create more and more problems for the organization and its leadership. Most organizations, especially businesses, cannot stay in operation without customers and/or good workers and/or favorable publicity.

When the cause has control of their money and public opinion to a large enough degree, the organization will have no choice but to negotiate with us and evolve, or else they will go extinct like all the “dinosaurs” who do not adapt. The bigger the organization, the faster they will shrink or go out of business without customers and competent workers. As I said this whole process becomes easier when we, as consumers and workers, cooperate to force positive change.

If the organization chooses not to change and is destroyed, shrinks, or is taken over, we have won and made room for better-run organizations to rise and fill the need. Attrition is a crucial facet of capitalism, a fair and free market, and healthy economic systems.
Using all the tactics described within these videos is how we force organizations to improve when they will not do so on their own. We, as consumers, citizens, and workers, must demand that all our organizations strive to be their best on all levels. Uniting and use of these practices is how we become the catalyst that will spur humanity into action and end unconstructive opposition.

All real capitalists believe in good unions and consumer advocacy groups . and work hard to find, fix, and mitigate all issues. “True Businesses” work in this manner because it's through these issues that they see what will make their company and product/service even better. As leaders, we need to work proactively so that things never get so far out of hand that people need to rebel or protest. We want happy consumers, citizens and workers, after all.

In the end, it should be clear that it’s IN everyone's best interest and The best practice to understand all the issues and work to fix and mitigate them. Therefore, as leaders, to truly serve your organization and your greater purpose, you must listen and work with everyone. As consumers, citizens, and workers, we must band together to ensure all organizations provide for what we need on all levels.
There is more how to do a Complete System overhaul within The Way. For the sake of this video we are moving on.

Ok that’s it for Phase 2 Action - now lets get into the last Phase 3: Codify. At the end of a successful campaign, where there is agreement, we must always take a final step and get everything in writing and to make sure it’s legal. There can be a lot to this, including things like writing contracts, creating processes & procedures, and changing or even creating new laws. It might mean having to develop or allowing for the creation of new organizations or departments within organizations.

Do NOT take this step lightly. If everything agreed to is not in writing, formalized, signed, sealed, and legal, all the work done is meaningless. I cannot give legal advice other than to say you need to consult with an attorney on these matters. I will say this much. It’s a good practice when you feel your contacts are complete, to get a second option on them from a competing firm before submitting them. This competitors check is needed because attorneys are paid to find loopholes and alternative ways to achieve a goal. Fresh eyes from a competitor who is not part of the group think can often see things others have not. The key is to be safe, precise, and to be ready to trust but always verify. Also, make sure that if they do break the agreement, the “teeth” within the contract are large enough to allow you to make things right.
Again do not dismiss this. Make it binding and legal - if you do NOT master this step, everything else you have done is for NOTHING.

Ok to talk about what was just covered in all three videos. To peacefully force positive change we embrace a nonviolent approach as we Clarify, take action and Codify. I presented these steps in an order but in life it’s a bit messier. As marches might proceed Clarification during events of great injustice. However regardless of what order everything is done do not neglect any of these steps especially the last step or it can mean certain failure. Also do not be afraid to let your movement evolve and join with others or even broaden the scope. For example a local civil rights movement might coordinate with all the groups fighting for civil rights nationally and even internationally and then go from seeking to help one minority group to all people suffering from prejudice and discrimination.

Well this was video 3 of 3 in this series on how to peacefully force positive change in the world. If you have not done so be sure to watch the others so you know exactly how to make this all work. If you have watched them all you might find my videos on How to fix our justice system and end homelessness something to check out.

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